Child abuse & neglect

I work with adults who have been abused or neglected as children. Maybe you’ve never admitted it before, but your dad was an alcoholic. Maybe your mom was never around. Maybe you wouldn’t go so far as saying, “my childhood was abusive.” But you can certainly agree that it wasn’t the best, and was admittedly pretty crappy at times.

Whether it was chronic for years and years, or it was a one-time assault, trauma from childhood can impact your own relationships as an adult.

These memories or even lack of memories may be impacting your life in obvious ways- you feel inadequate as a parent yourself, you keep everything together all the time because you learned to control the chaos that way as a child, or you have a panic attack when your partner disciplines your children, even though you know they need some form of discipline.

It may also show up in subtle ways. You avoid all the places and situations that you hated as a kid. You never had any help with anything as a child, so you over-correct with your children and help with every single school project. You don’t trust your partner with parenting even though you want to. You might not remember big chunks of time from childhood- and while it doesn’t seem to impact your everyday life, you wonder about it.

The body and the mind are deeply connected.

I want you to be able to heal.

I want you to get to create a healthy chosen family for yourself.

It takes some deep work, but you can get there.

If you want to experience an EMDR Intensive to begin or continue this journey, please reach out.